Reviews from

The Gardener

Gardener watering plants in Q.Roo, Mexico

11 total reviews 
Comment from ZenTrip

Such a lovely composition, cleo. A very meaningful photo that expresses the warmth of the Mexican people in a much different manner than normally seen.

By that I mean the concentrated face and obvious caring that David is lavishing on the garden with the way in which he holds the spraying water (that capture of the water spray itself is beautifully expressive and well caught) - but his body language and concern with what he is doing says "Gardner" more than the word itself.

I don't see the colors as being dull. I see them as being very complimentary and adding a nice balance to the composition. Beautiful framing.

The effect starts with the light color of pot in the lower left corner, sweeps around with the color of the sidewalk, and upward with the pink flowers to the right, and then jumps over to the color of his shirt. I don't think an artist could have arranged the colors for a better eye flow that is especially appealing and effective.

I also like this as an environmental portrait in which the surroundings create the real story of the person being featured in the image.

Much more than a picture - it's a statement that compliments a human endeavor.

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 Comment Written 15-Nov-2008

reply by the author on 15-Nov-2008
    Thank you so much. As allways you are right on top of my story. No artist could have arranged it better. Davids concentration, the water and the colors caught my eye and attention immediately. I played paparazzi and shot right away even used a little zoom not to interfere with this certain magic of the scene. I ask afterwards to use the photo. I do that often: asking after I took the photo to use it. Asking first often gives a different picture.
    David is really an excellent gardener. He has a "Green Thumb".
    I didn't see the colors as dull but as natural. My write up on this was a little provocative do to experience.
    Thanks again for your great review.
reply by ZenTrip on 15-Nov-2008
    Reference your comment about shooting first and asking later - I often do the same thing for the very same reason, Heidi. So often it changes the picture entirely and I get something much more posed and not nearly as captivating as the original undisturbed mood. Parapazzi for you! lol. Love it. And yes - natural is the word for the colors. Just a beautiful image.
reply by the author on 15-Nov-2008
    Thanks. I agree. :)