Sun What?

The topic for this Traditional Art contest is: SUN WHAT?
Whatever you can replace the word WHAT with is what you would be drawing or painting. You may only select one word for instance you can paint one person with a sunburn;:do not paint two people one with a sunburn and one with a sun tan. However you can have multiples for example you can have five pairs of sunglasses and you can get creative you can select the word Sunday WHAT reflects Sunday.... a huge family dinner? Church services? Or perhaps you want Sunkist and that refers to an orange. Some examples that you may select from ARE:
sunrise. sunset sunroof sunbathe Sunbeam. sunblock. sun dial sundress. sunfish or sundae. OR you can be creative and select Sun dance .
..Remember the Sundance Kid? Or On the Sunny Side of the Street..... up to you. There's plenty of other words to select. Do not use the word son use sun only and yes the word Sun itself could be selected . No foreign words. No digital mixed media... only traditional art will be accepted

Create a Traditional Artwork that somehow incorporates the topic. The artwork should clearly be about the topic. Creative approaches are welcomed. But contest voters will be asked to consider the topic when making a choice for a winner.

This is for Traditional Artwork (Pen & ink, pencil, watercolors, charcoal, etc.) Only. No photography, digital art or any form of artwork that uses a photograph. This art contest is for all forms of art. That includes pen and ink, pencil, watercolors, charcoal, sculpture, computer art and all other forms of art. No photography.

Deadline: Contest is closed. Deadline was Wednesday, August 16, 2017.

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