In The Night - Art

Buildings, streets and time lapse take on a different light at night.

But don?t stop there ? ever hear of ?Night life?? Carnivals? Animals? People? Theater? There is a voyeuristic feel to night images, the viewer senses that they are observing life from the shadows. Urban lights create high drama ? colors intensify and shadows loom. In the country, things become scary and still. Is there just a hint of the sunset left? Show us what you see with your art ?After Dark?.

The subject can be anything you wish. But the end result should emphasize night life.

This is for Traditional Artwork (Pen & ink, pencil, watercolors, charcoal, etc.) or digital art only. No photography or any form of artwork that uses a photograph. This art contest is for all forms of art. That includes pen and ink, pencil, watercolors, charcoal, sculpture, computer art and all other forms of art. No photography.

Deadline: Contest is closed. Deadline was Monday, September 20, 2010.

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