Create black and white sports relat

The topic for this Traditional Art contest is:

The idea here is to create a black and white image using an action sports photo as the inspiration and for reference. There are three rules:
1.No half tones, no gray scale, no cross hatching, just black and white, a silhouette type image.
2.Yes white paper only and black ink or paint. See my posting as an example of what this contest is all a about, any questions about the requirements send me an e-mail (private message here at FAR.)
3.The artwork should be created by hand the traditional way, no computers... hay! anyone can do this. All you need is a little imagination and time.
4.You can have a boarder , which must be black and no more the an 1/8 of an inch
(or 0.3175 cm) wide.

That's it; have fun and lets see what you can come up with.Create a Traditional Artwork that somehow incorporates the topic. The artwork should clearly be about the topic. Creative approaches are welcomed. But contest voters will be asked to consider the topic when making a choice for a winner.

This is for Traditional Artwork (Pen & ink, charcoal, etc.) only. No photography, digital art or any form of artwork that uses a photograph. This art contest is for all forms of art. That includes pen and ink, pencil, watercolors, charcoal, sculpture, computer art and all other forms of art. No photography.

Deadline: Contest is closed. Deadline was Thursday, January 31, 2008.

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