Selective Colors - Primary Colors
Selective Colors with the Primary Colors - There are 3 primary colors, they are Red, Blue and Yellow. Create a Selective Colors Photograph or Art work with all 3 primary colors. All Mediums are welcome to participate. At least half of the image must be Black and White or Grayscale - no sepia or other monotone. The rest of the image, less than 50% must be all 3 of the primary colors. It doesn't have to be 50/50, it can be any proportion (as long as the combination of the 3 primary colors doesn't exceed 50% of the image.
● Selective Colors or Colorkey is an image, either Photography or Art that is partially Monotone and partially colored. It is clear that the color was selected and the rest in Monotone, hence Selective Colors.
● For this contest the only monotone eligible is Black and White or grayscale
● All 3 primary colors, Red, Blue and Yellow must be in the image.
● Shades of the Primary Colors are not eligible, must clearly be the Primary Colors of Red, Blue and Yellow.
● The colored portions of the image must be less than 50% of the image
● The Black and White or Grayscale must be more than 50% of the image.
● There can be no other colors other than the 3 Primary Colors and Black and White or Grayscale. Any other color is a disqualification.
Have fun and be creative.
Deadline: Contest is closed. Deadline was Sunday, June 28, 2015.
● Selective Colors or Colorkey is an image, either Photography or Art that is partially Monotone and partially colored. It is clear that the color was selected and the rest in Monotone, hence Selective Colors.
● For this contest the only monotone eligible is Black and White or grayscale
● All 3 primary colors, Red, Blue and Yellow must be in the image.
● Shades of the Primary Colors are not eligible, must clearly be the Primary Colors of Red, Blue and Yellow.
● The colored portions of the image must be less than 50% of the image
● The Black and White or Grayscale must be more than 50% of the image.
● There can be no other colors other than the 3 Primary Colors and Black and White or Grayscale. Any other color is a disqualification.
Have fun and be creative.
Deadline: Contest is closed. Deadline was Sunday, June 28, 2015.