Low Key Photography

Low Key Photography - This is a photograph contest.

A low-key image is one that contains predominantly dark tones and colors. Like high-key images, they convey atmosphere and mood. But where a high-key image feels airy and light, a low-key is usually dramatic and full of mystery. And where high-key lighting over-lights the subject to reduce contrast, low-key lighting creates striking contrasts through reduced lighting. Shadows are now the primary element of the composition.

Basic Editing is allowed, this is the definition of Basic Editing as it relates to this contest:
You Must:
●Create from a single image
You may:
●Use filters or stand alone plug-ins for enhancement, sharpening, adjusting levels and white balance, that are designed to preserve Image Integrity, such as Topaz Adjust, Clarity, Detail, Nik Color Efex, Neat Images
●Saturate, desaturate or adjust colors but no selections allowed
●Process in RAW as long as the process does not create new effects or features and preserves Image Integrity
●Clone to remove blemishes and minor distractions such as sensor dirt, phone lines
●You can use any feature in your camera except combining of multiple images in camera

You may not:
●Spot edit you entry for any reason other than noted above
●Use any selection tool, layer masks, quick masks or similar tools
●Use layers
●Add images from another image
●Use graphics or effects
●Use any editing tools to create new image areas, objects or features, including vignettes, fog, len flare, blur and related features
●distort or stretch your image in any way including perspective or skew

Deadline: Contest is closed. Deadline was Friday, June 26, 2015.

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