Category: Seasonal Photography
Posted: December 4, 2010

Advent - Time for waiting

Time for waiting

by avmurray Interested in this? Contact The Artist

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When people think of the weeks leading up to Christmas, what images come to mind? This is a time for making wish lists, sending cards, purchasing gifts, putting up decorations, planning parties, baking, and attending concerts. There are four weeks before Christmas that seem to run against the grain of excitement that surrounds this busy time of year: the season of Advent. Advent is a time of waiting and watching. The word Advent literally means "coming.
In Norway we decorate our home with mauve colors. We have 4 candles in that color and light one each Sunday for 4 weeks before Christmas eve,
It is in this spirit I made this photo

Post Type: Photography
Mixed Media: None | Cropped, sharpened and framed

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Time for waiting by avmurray
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