Category: Cartoon Traditional Art
Posted: December 12, 2010
2 -3- 4... 

Cartoon sketch done in watercolours

A chapter in the book Santa Tours Sussex

Santa tours Sussex - Shoreham

by corrinas creations Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Heres the next installment of Satnta's tour of Sussex. This is based on a little town on the coast called Shoreham by Sea, not much going on there but they do have a this power station that has a huge chimney so, I instantly thought Santa would struggle with that one and came up with this little number.

I have 2 more left to post and then thats the last we will see of these guys, they have had quite a little adventure Hope you enjoyed them
Post Type: Traditional Art
Mixed Media: None | watercolour pencils on watercolour paper

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Santa tours Sussex - Shoreham by corrinas creations
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