Category: Cartoon Traditional Art
Posted: December 16, 2010
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Cartoon sketch done in watercolours

A chapter in the book Santa Tours Sussex

Festive Birdman Rally

by corrinas creations Interested in this? Contact The Artist

This little scene is based on another tradition we have down here in little old Bognor... the birdman rally. Basically each year we have people from all over the country come down with their hand made flying machines and jump off the pier... I'm not making this up lol You get all sorts of weird and wonderful entries, from the very clever to very ridiculous contraptions. The winner is whoever can "fly" the furthest.

This was where my inspiration came from so why not stick the Christmas turkey on the end of the pier.
Post Type: Traditional Art
Mixed Media: None | watercolour pencils on watercolour paper
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Festive Birdman Rally by corrinas creations
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