Category: Seasonal Photography
Posted: January 23, 2011

Daydreaming of Spring _Mixed-Media

Dreaming of Spring

by helvi2 Interested in this? Contact The Artist

With the lowest of temperatures in six years arriving on Sunday and Monday, I am definately thinking of Spring. This winter we are being clobbered with snow storms. We've already surpassed last years amount.

I thought it would be fun to create a mixed-media image that relates to that thought. The icicle you see was outside my front door and it was huge! The flowers I encased in the icicle are daffodils (appropriately called, Ice Princess), Myosotis, and Lilacs. The myosotis is also barely visible in the background.

Since the original background was at an angle I replaced it wih a new background of our local resivor. Hope you enjoy!

Why is it that winter seems the longest season of the year?

Post Type: Mixed Media Photography
Mixed Media: Maximum | Transparencies, four layers, Change of background, trace,copy paste
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Dreaming of Spring by helvi2
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