Category: Nature Photography
Posted: March 23, 2011

Taken today from my back garden, Hampshire U.K.


by dodgement Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Narcissus JonquilaA spring-flowering bulb, Narcissus is the name of a genus which includes flower bulbs like Daffodils, Jonquils, Paperwhites and so forth. Narcissi (plural form of Narcissus) are easily grown from bulbs. The word Narcissus is derived from the Greek word narke, meaning numbness or stupor. Some attribute the naming of the flower to its narcotic fragrance while others debate that it is associated with the poisonous nature of the Narcissus bulbs. Narcissus flowers are usually white or yellow and are characterized by a narrow, tubular base (hypanthium), three petals and three petallike sepals (the perianth), and a central cuplike appendage (the corona, cup, or crown) that may be of contrasting color. Facts About Narcissus * Narcissus is mostly native to the Mediterranean region, but a few species are found through central Asia to China. * Without exception the most common Narcissus species found growing throughout America today were brought over from Europe by the early colonists and distributed westward by settlers from the East. * Narcissus is mainly cultivated in the Channel Isles, the Isles of Sicilly, Great Britain and Holland. * Narcissus flowers are available from November to April depending on the species. The typical Daffodil blooms in the early spring.
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Narcissus by dodgement
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