Category: Expressive Traditional Art
Posted: May 5, 2011

cultures meet here

London Art

by Renate-Bertodi Interested in this? Contact The Artist

their house was in the blue moon
silver, bright brilliant and full of bloom

he was a great man
he was a special man

the emperor had a great need of him
please return he begged, to rid the earth of evil

as the emperor bid
the man in the moon did

his lady love so lone followed him
on earth jealousy became dissatisfied withhim

the queen, saddened to placate them
gave a magic panacea to same them

this they both must take
to exist until eternity

in jealousy to spite her important and good husband
the spiteful wife swallowed without the knowledge of her husband

instantly she was lifted and soared into the sky
short lived was her joy after she returned alone to pry

the good panacea was for two not one
the panaceaâ??s poison had turned her into a frog

and still we watch as she cries��.

(thanks to Mrs Sun of Qingdau for advice)

The beautiful Lady of the Moon and the Moon Tree

The lady of the moon was indeed beautiful
The lady of the moon was also very vain

The lady of the moon came to earth
Lonely lady of the moon, followed her husband to work

Her husband became important
His duties just for the Emperor he performed

The lady of the moon became bored
She had now become ordinary
She stormed
She raged
She would not stay
With her obsessive, possessive personality
She followed her emotions with never a thought
She returned alone to the moon cold and blue
The beautiful limpid lady of the moonâ?¦.

With only a rabbit which ran, ran, ran
And a tree which grew, grew, grew
As companions for the beautiful languid lady of the moon

A wicked man of earth whose crimes were plentiful
Received for punishment due eternity
Imprisonment with never a clue upon the moon cold and blue

Away he flew
To fulfil his sentence
To cut the moon tree
With his sharpened axe for ever
The tree which stands upon the moon so blue
For everâ?¦

He cut
It grew

He cut
It grew

He cut
It grew

And so they continue to this very day
Until eternity
Upon the cold blue moon��
Post Type: Traditional Art
Mixed Media: None | water colour
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London Art by Renate-Bertodi
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