Category: Expressive Traditional Art
Posted: June 23, 2011

only female influece


by Renate-Bertodi Interested in this? Contact The Artist

from gross-misconduct to an opportunity
repair despair impair little known
technological secrets long used

pull cull dull mull full with Major and plager
she'll just live with it nation not to know
now blow

tear wear stare Blaire who doesn't care
except for his own popularity not the people

deprive blight life trite the Might
War Lords look for loopholes
scoop poles gritting their revenge sins

begin bring fling think Thatcher guessed,
they've pressed couldn't do a thing
loudly sing keep singing

gift thrift drift sift carry on sifting
sifting ordered L.A. brain waves translated
thoughts for the lab to nab

round pound sound ground ordered prison sentences
for her lads taken dad from the lab's bads
so sad and keep back the elder children

talk walk stalk balk talk and talk gotta talk
writers don't say don't really play she just prays
Post Type: Traditional Art
Mixed Media: None | A4 paper wter colours
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deserted by Renate-Bertodi
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