Category: Expressive Traditional Art
Posted: October 29, 2011

kitchen politics

kitchen politics

by Renate-Bertodi Interested in this? Contact The Artist

In London I had neighbours, a Gay couple, who would invite me over constantly and talk about every imaginable thing imaginable- as did the numerous guests to the house. Here in Sheff. now I am no longer at College or Uni. no one comes near, people are richer, much more comfortable, coming here from London because they have been told about how easy it is here,wealthier, but have no one has time for discussions, so I constantly work and all talk is about work. This was one such London kitchen-discussion--as I called them, neighbour Peter would always put on a big pot of tea, or put on a dinner party and we would sit round chatting, all who wandered in would join in too! Ah, I miss my London home- I truly loved my life there, but as is always the case, the woman of the home has to sacrifice her life for her family when all goes wrong- No wonder Maid Marriane got fed up and escaped to the Forest!
Post Type: Traditional Art
Mixed Media: None | water colours on paper
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kitchen politics by Renate-Bertodi
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