Category: Landscape Digital Art
Posted: January 12, 2012

Eagle flying over the ocean

Eagle Flight

by lynnkah Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Since I was given a download of a program called liquib by a very good friend, I decided to paint just a simple ocean scene with nothing more than water and sky and see the different effects that this new program could do. I decided to play around with the effects of water in liquib. I added a clipart eagle and added the reflection and took it back to the program to play , you'd be surprised how weird that eagle turned out on a few different effects LOL, I didn't think anyone really wanted to see a very warped and twisted eagle so I left it with just a few waves after quite sometime of fun mind you, and decided to take this painting back to twisted brush and added the two birds in the distance. Looking at it, all you can see is a very calm painting with an eagle flying overhead, but for me, this was a blast LOL { wish I could take credit for the eagle, but tis' not to's clipart LOL} hope you enjoy the final painting however LOL
Post Type: Digital Art Digital Composition | | Computer Generated | Twisted brush, photexplosion, liquib, clipart
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Eagle Flight by lynnkah
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