Category: Expressive Traditional Art
Posted: January 25, 2012

sketch for possible oil study

Fallen Angel Project -Sketch 3

by corrinas creations Interested in this? Contact The Artist

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Yes another one lol The good news is that I think I am close to getting my five so will only try out another 2 or 3 poses and then Im done with the poses. I am thinking to go with all the studies wearing a dress. I quite like this one going big, what do you think? Oh and this is a rough draft so the light will be worked on and the wings on all of them will be better, I have just been making them up as I go along but when it comes to the real mccoy I will have a proper look at bird wings to get a likeness. Much appreciated as always
Post Type: Traditional Art
Mixed Media: None | pastel on black card

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Fallen Angel Project -Sketch 3 by corrinas creations
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