Category: Drawing Traditional Art
Posted: February 25, 2012


Winter Fun

by MKFlood Interested in this? Contact The Artist

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"Winter" a poem by Elizabeth B. Flood

Summer is gone now
Winter is approaching fast,
The trees have started changing
Not much shadow left to cast.

Most of the leaves have fallen
The birds are singing one last song,
The days are slowly becoming shorter
And nights seem oh so long.

Soon the snow will be falling
Decorating everything in it's white,
The kids will get all dress warm
Just to be wet after their snowball fight.

The hills will be filled with sledders
Trying to find their place in the snow,
Christmas just around the corner
Santa arriving with his "Ho!Ho!Ho!".

So enjoy it while you can
Because spring will be back fast,
And all the snow melting away
Leaving winter a thing of the past.

A Very Big Thank You to Elizabeth Flood(my wife and best friend) for her inspiration from her poem (and boot in my butt) to create this work called "winter fun". Hope yall like and yall comeon back now yahear...wink
Post Type: Traditional Art
Mixed Media: None | sharpie markers on poster

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Winter Fun by MKFlood
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