Category: Expressive Traditional Art
Posted: April 22, 2012

she rides again

she rides again

by Renate-Bertodi Interested in this? Contact The Artist

I did not want to, but fifty percent of my uni study was - german -as they want to bump up the numbers, history of all types, german-jewish also, which St Barths Human Research lab's British Jewish staff have used as their own essays.. My study came mainly from Hungary and East Germany- Of all of Europe, Hungary tried the hardest not to have its Jews decimated, I still cannot understand why this jewish staff despise me so- our large family gave our Jewish friends our ration cards during the war, as in our part of the world, that was used to catch them.-- In East Germany, the Mayor and whole corporation were put into concentration camp on the day Hitler came into power- and in Leipzig in 1939 the walls were still scrawled with: down with Hitler, he wants war!I saw an archive film once and it took four+ minutes of being prodded with guns from the back by SS men, before a single hand was raised (as with the Tsar, the people were forced to line the streets to cheer!)
Post Type: Traditional Art
Mixed Media: None | oils on black card
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she rides again by Renate-Bertodi
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