Category: Landscape Traditional Art
Posted: May 3, 2012

Landscape painting.

Magical Spring Time.

by seshadri_sreenivasan Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Painted Green Contest Entry 
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Original watercolour painting on Strathmore watrecolour paper 14"x17"

Spring time, Oh spring time
Where flows life's rhyme
Tulips, daffodils and other flowers
Showing us all God's power
Gardens are full of flowers and weeds
Its time to sprout the magical seeds
That makes this world's show
And for that we all to God owe
A special thanks in life's rhyme
For sending His lovely spring time....

---excerpts from poem by Seema Chowdhury
Post Type: Traditional Art
Mixed Media: None | landscape painting in watercolours on paper

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Magical Spring Time. by seshadri_sreenivasan
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