Category: Abstract Photography
Posted: July 8, 2012

Mixed Media Fern

Kaleidoscopic Fern

by helvi2 Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Seeing Green Photo Contest Contest Entry 
I would love to tell you everything I did, but I can't remember! LOL I hope what I've written here gives you a general idea.

This started with a single shot of a fern leaf. I traced around every leaflet on the fern and added black between the leaves. Then I added black for the background. It took me two days do do that. The kaleidoscope designs took several hours. I liked the border I created but took out the original center. I played with the border and created a center for this piece. When I flattened the design I gave it another whirl and created a new design. I copied the center then went back to the previous design and pasted a small overlay to put over the center. I also lightly embossed the border ferns.I know it sounds confusing! LOL I just keep designing till I have something I really like. There are several layers in the final design. I hope you enjoy my entry for the "green contest! :O)

Thans SO much for stopping by!
Post Type: Mixed Media Photography
Mixed Media: Maximum | Several kaleidoscopic designs layered, traced around every nook and crany of original fern -copied and pasted on black background. added color gradient around center design

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Kaleidoscopic Fern by helvi2
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