Category: Drawing Traditional Art
Posted: August 20, 2012


Grocer an Unsung Hero

by MKFlood Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Rise of the Workers Contest Entry 
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Oh I could have chosen many different professions but I would like to make a tribute that we all take for granted. The Grocer, a job that is on demand every week throughout the year. Why the grocer? Well the Grocer is the tail end of many jobs that was created to get you this fresh product to survive off of everyday. Starting from the farmer to the wholesaler, to the distributor, to the grocery and also employing thousands of drivers to make this cycle complete as well as the the construction work who builds and maintains the roads..Oh is a domino effect..The ad agencies to the TV and radio..Again a domino effect. Of course the monkey wrench into this mix is the gas company. Now on the last presidential election for the 1st year Obama pledge he was going to get a handle on the gas prices and keeping it down in the low $2.00 range for the working man. I told my friends around me, that Obama is a great magician..He made the American people focus on the gas prices giving the magician slight of hand and keeping the diesel prices to stay the high $3.00 to $4.00 range. To many Americans our focus was on regular gas and just really didn't care, nor understood the famous statement that is always utter in business.."Cost of doing business"..and of course the companies wont whine like the consumer about the prices..They just figure that in with the cost of goods which gets passed to the same dumb individuals who is so worried about the gas prices only.(the same that really can care less about the electoral process unless its some giveaway program that they have their hands out for) so the next time when you go into your local grocery store and start to bitch about the price is too high..then do one of 2 things..Either get involve with what effects you can have in the local, regional and federal governments no matter what party you are,...or Grow and raise your own food, oh yeah slaughter ,cure, clean store..Oh be sure to have plenty of mules too ..they Can work the land without having to buy gas...yall comeon back now yahear!
Post Type: Traditional Art
Mixed Media: None | Sharpie markers on poster

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Grocer an Unsung Hero by MKFlood
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