Category: Expressive Traditional Art
Posted: October 29, 2012

sugar and spice/part of my MA booklet

sugar and spice

by Renate-Bertodi Interested in this? Contact The Artist

to qualify using such horrendous methods (One USA person- I do not agree with these Dachau methods!) the lab staff made up a file of their own, a bit difficult as I don't smoke, don't drink, don't do dirty men- only requests of marriage, easily falsified by the lab, etc.. each operative had to use the last lots on the file and add a new issue it is called, that means some sort of wrong. The file began with child abuse - said m/s the lab whilst I ws having dinner at Uni fried, Beryl's at 13 Coronation St E. London, because so many of the old Men of Parliament leave the houses to be taken straight to children- What Anna devised was- each and every sin imaginable to be thrown at me--ie she was starkers - but don't add, in her own house - so then they permitted these low IQ health workers turned operatives on the msot sophisticated machine the USA has ever produced, to punish with radiation, anything which the strictest Funadamentalist woman is not permitted to do.. anything went on. "Maximise anything and everything" said the lab Bossess Anna. The file began with all the lab Staff's crimes and sins!!Jews, for whom we had lost everything to save them from this is to say, they watch me in the nude, they watch me in the bath("m/s I watched you inserting your tampon" ) It would be awful to tell you what they do all night, Dr Myer ordered, use roving tools so she thinks she imagined it and we will get her into a mental hospital. Anna their bossess titilates these sadists constantly.. so this is to say that women are made of all sorts of things besides sugar and spice..but few are made of the rubbish that these women of this system are- USA they told us you were violent-- they tell everyone, she is opposite to what the file states..
Post Type: Traditional Art
Mixed Media: None | pen on paper
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sugar and spice by Renate-Bertodi
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