Category: Journalism Photography
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Posted: November 5, 2005
...5 -6-
A chapter in the book Tapestry of Passions
by LowRider
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My most powerful passion is my relationship with God; no doubt my next greatest passion of all is the love and compassion for my fellow man---
I just finished this project, 'Introducing Willy' was my original post, this was run from the film negative for this assignment request from Willy's daughter and the Roadhouse Bar and Grill in my home town of Larkspur, Colorado---Since I have gotten to know Willy, he and I have kind of become town celebrities for the simple reason of being viewed as outlaws that would unlikely 'hang' together and 'buddy up'---I have a great respect and love for this incredible man. Willy is very ill, the town fears his loss, so heart crushing in one way, in another way, he has gained tremendous respect and notoriety in the past year.
Story from original post:
Ladies, Gents, and 'others' (that would be me), this is William "Willy" "Bad Mutha" McDonald. I have been stalking Willy for over four years. I live in a tiny town in the foothills of Colorado where Willy 'hangs'. I was drawn to this man from the first time I saw him. I inquired about him with many towns people and the only answer I got was, "He's just the town drunk." Well, not to me, I saw an old man of amazing character. I finally caught him out sitting on his barrel next to the trailer park dumpster. I had my camera with me--- I pulled up and introduced myself and told him how much I admired his character and asked, may I take a picture. He was thrilled and found me amusing for wanting to photograph him. After our brief photo shoot, we talked. I didn't find out a lot about his past, but I saw such amazing charm in this older gentleman. And wouldn't ya know, he is a retired fellow biker from the 'Hell's Angels'. Now that's my kind of man! I left Willy vowing to return with results of our brief encounter. I am driven to get to know this incredible man-----
More info on Willy;
This saga slowly continues to unfold. Myrna, the mayor of Larkspur, runs a tiny cafe located to welcome all into Larkspur. Returning from a shootin' adventure, I stopped to have a coke and chat with her since the cafe is never busy because it seems no one eats in town. I asked Myrna how long she had lived in Larkspur. She answered, "Twenty-eight years." I told her about my brief encounter with Willy. She responded, "Do you know the story about him?" Well, Myrna was more than willing to 'spill the beans'. Willy rented a room from her for three years. Not only was Willy a Hell's Angel, he was a top executive at a plaster manufacturing plant earning a six figure income. He led a large group of employees and was highly regarded by all. Today he is 74 years old and an active alcoholic. I asked Myrna what went so wrong in his life. She said. "Eighteen years ago he was hit in the head with a pipe at a bar, the attacker was never identified. He spent four months in a coma. Since emerging from his coma he was unable to 'find' himself again. He spends his time now keeping the only street going through downtown Larkspur clean as a whistle by picking up any and all trash spread along the path. Once that task is complete, he spends the majority of his awaken hours at the trailer park dump collecting and smashing cans to recycle and then saves the money he gets for his granddaughter's college education. He has Social Security coming in every month, which is sufficient for him to live on. Well, now I was really sad. I told Myrna that he probably doesn't even remember me stopping to chat. She said, "Oh yes he does because he told me all about you and he was all smiles. So when you see him again, stop and have a chat. You made him very happy." So Willy hasn't seen the last of me yet! He is a most welcome icon in Larkspur, Colorado to me.
I so miss my time with Willy stomping cans, as I crave the intense love I always feel when I am by his side, stomping cans. I could really use his wisdom as I fear to loose my next door neighbor, Doug, to cancer---I call Doug, my fence post buddy because we have talked, laughed, and cried for so many years over my three rail fence.
by LowRider Interested in this? Contact The Artist
I just finished this project, 'Introducing Willy' was my original post, this was run from the film negative for this assignment request from Willy's daughter and the Roadhouse Bar and Grill in my home town of Larkspur, Colorado---Since I have gotten to know Willy, he and I have kind of become town celebrities for the simple reason of being viewed as outlaws that would unlikely 'hang' together and 'buddy up'---I have a great respect and love for this incredible man. Willy is very ill, the town fears his loss, so heart crushing in one way, in another way, he has gained tremendous respect and notoriety in the past year.
Story from original post:
Ladies, Gents, and 'others' (that would be me), this is William "Willy" "Bad Mutha" McDonald. I have been stalking Willy for over four years. I live in a tiny town in the foothills of Colorado where Willy 'hangs'. I was drawn to this man from the first time I saw him. I inquired about him with many towns people and the only answer I got was, "He's just the town drunk." Well, not to me, I saw an old man of amazing character. I finally caught him out sitting on his barrel next to the trailer park dumpster. I had my camera with me--- I pulled up and introduced myself and told him how much I admired his character and asked, may I take a picture. He was thrilled and found me amusing for wanting to photograph him. After our brief photo shoot, we talked. I didn't find out a lot about his past, but I saw such amazing charm in this older gentleman. And wouldn't ya know, he is a retired fellow biker from the 'Hell's Angels'. Now that's my kind of man! I left Willy vowing to return with results of our brief encounter. I am driven to get to know this incredible man-----
More info on Willy;
This saga slowly continues to unfold. Myrna, the mayor of Larkspur, runs a tiny cafe located to welcome all into Larkspur. Returning from a shootin' adventure, I stopped to have a coke and chat with her since the cafe is never busy because it seems no one eats in town. I asked Myrna how long she had lived in Larkspur. She answered, "Twenty-eight years." I told her about my brief encounter with Willy. She responded, "Do you know the story about him?" Well, Myrna was more than willing to 'spill the beans'. Willy rented a room from her for three years. Not only was Willy a Hell's Angel, he was a top executive at a plaster manufacturing plant earning a six figure income. He led a large group of employees and was highly regarded by all. Today he is 74 years old and an active alcoholic. I asked Myrna what went so wrong in his life. She said. "Eighteen years ago he was hit in the head with a pipe at a bar, the attacker was never identified. He spent four months in a coma. Since emerging from his coma he was unable to 'find' himself again. He spends his time now keeping the only street going through downtown Larkspur clean as a whistle by picking up any and all trash spread along the path. Once that task is complete, he spends the majority of his awaken hours at the trailer park dump collecting and smashing cans to recycle and then saves the money he gets for his granddaughter's college education. He has Social Security coming in every month, which is sufficient for him to live on. Well, now I was really sad. I told Myrna that he probably doesn't even remember me stopping to chat. She said, "Oh yes he does because he told me all about you and he was all smiles. So when you see him again, stop and have a chat. You made him very happy." So Willy hasn't seen the last of me yet! He is a most welcome icon in Larkspur, Colorado to me.
I so miss my time with Willy stomping cans, as I crave the intense love I always feel when I am by his side, stomping cans. I could really use his wisdom as I fear to loose my next door neighbor, Doug, to cancer---I call Doug, my fence post buddy because we have talked, laughed, and cried for so many years over my three rail fence.
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