Category: Expressive Traditional Art
Posted: March 4, 2013

Jean Beaumond reins

Jean Beaumond reins

by Renate-Bertodi Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Jean had never written a thing in her life, or painted. She married Simon, french RMN who worked with Human Research. he brought home a mass of poetry and stories for her to print from the lab, telling her, these were my first wives (not mine from the lab monitor) Jean loves spite- then he brought her pictures to trace, mine, and a guaranteed design company to sell to- so the human research lab, which is supposed to help the severely handicapped, became art thieves and cheats- she is made too, on copies of my work- From one of theirs, I heard that thieving is endemic in their system--everything goes to he/her who thieves it.I found the same in hospitals when my mum was a patient, they even stole her underpants, her fluffy towels were replaced by thin hard old things, sweets disappeared from her bedside at night, even my nightwear, which I had to take her after they stole all hers, disappeared, including underwear. I think the UK NHS has some serious problems other than money-
Post Type: Traditional Art
Mixed Media: None | oil pastels on paper
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Jean Beaumond reins by Renate-Bertodi
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