Category: Drawing Traditional Art
Posted: March 22, 2013

Illustration for health guide

Shopping Healthy

by MKFlood Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Have a friend who was very sick and of course the doctors gave the doom and gloom speech. However this gentleman is hard headed and wouldn't accept the roll over and die routine and starting to research and live by eating the right things and exercise daily. He lost the weight and seem to be doing very well after the last decades. Now he has started up company called "a road to wellness" and ask me if I would be interested in doing the illustration. "HELL YES!" I told him..Now I told yall this year im determine to get my stuff published. It only takes one to start..Wink.. yall comeon back now....yahear!
Post Type: Traditional Art
Mixed Media: None | sharpie/BIC markers on poster

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Shopping Healthy by MKFlood
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