Category: Fantasy Photography
Posted: April 14, 2013

The hair of a Gorgon

Medusas Hair

by cleo85 Interested in this? Contact The Artist

HAIR Contest Entry 
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Medusa is a female Gorgon from Greek Mythology, described as having venomous snakes as hair. Gazing directly at her would turn the visitor to stone.
Medusas Hair was crafted from a close up photo of a Giant Spider Lily. The photo was converted to negative. Hue and exposure were adjusted. Wave filters were applied. The snake was isolated from one of my paintings with a Green Mamba as model. The mamba was multiplied in order to create the smaller snakes. While the big snake was adjusted in color and accentuated, the smaller snakes were treated with filters, each differently. The picture was fine-tuned with some painting and cloning.
Post Type: Mixed Media Photography
Mixed Media: Maximum | Conversion to negative, layers, filters, paint brushes, distortion brush, clone brush, copying and pasting, color adjustments.

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Medusas Hair by cleo85
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