Category: Cartoon Traditional Art
Posted: July 16, 2013


Artist on PMS

by MKFlood Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Manga Contest Entry 
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This is dedicated to the artist who gave me this inspiration.Thanks, wink. Now magna which i have always called it japamation since the 1980's has produced some amazing artwork and fantastic stories. not all of them dealt with kungfu fighting or syfy save the world or vampires or ghost running amoke. i remember seeing many dramas that had the right guts to a great drama. i was kidding with someone the other day that my kids watch more of the japamation back then instead of disney. its a shame one of my daughters is not on this sight..she can run circles around me doing the many magna characters. she is a better artist than i. well this is my version of it, and i really had fun doing it too!evil grin. yall comeon back now yahear!
Post Type: Traditional Art
Mixed Media: None | sharpie/BIC markers on poster

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Artist on PMS by MKFlood
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