Category: Experimental Traditional Art
Posted: April 30, 2014

she has lost her bloom

she has lost her bloom

by Renate-Bertodi Interested in this? Contact The Artist

this is all new language to me used by Human Research men- service her, means force her to have sex (in my country, rape in fact! laws in England are different) and she has lost her bloom, is derogatory, meaning too old for such games! Reduce means rob them, ordinary them means artificially reduce their marks and use sell their work as yours - linguistic skills in England are not what I had imagined though I had been top in English in every class, within a couple of years of coming to this country and teach the language everywhere! I modelled myself on the english, but now I am glad that I am neither English nor one of the People as I had been told in the past, we were merely brave Hungarians and I am proud to be that, not such sly, malevolents-
Post Type: Traditional Art
Mixed Media: None | oil pastels on violet sugar paper
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she has lost her bloom by Renate-Bertodi
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