Category: Cityscape Traditional Art
Posted: October 20, 2016

oil painting

Full Moon Over City

by seshadri_sreenivasan Interested in this? Contact The Artist

 You can own this for $500.00.    Information.
I painted this expressionist painting in oil on canvas board of size 16"x22".

'Have you seen the Full Moon tonight
When the sky was more than generous
It had started distributing goodies gratis
In the evening when the moon was rising
From behind the greenery of the park
It was bright and wet as shining liquid gold
I was drenched in the showers' fold
My heart and the soul rejoiced at the mold
I felt richer as my eyes glistened and doled.'
Post Type: Traditional Art
Mixed Media: None | Oil painting on canvas

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Full Moon Over City by seshadri_sreenivasan
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