Category: Nature Photography
Posted: February 12, 2017

taken on my first round the zoo.

5 Minutes Please

by shore1inspire. Interested in this? Contact The Artist

As I took my first trip around the zoo some where not ready to get up. as this small black bear was enjoying the pine needles on its back. as I took a few shots as the old one did not want to be bothered. but by my second time around with the bigger lens I had other shots of him sticking his face out looking for attention. As I was by myself and only workers they all seemed content and waiting for there breakfast. As you don't see the other fence but is for protection for the kids having a field day at the small zoo. as it is tough to see but a last chance for them as they where used by companies and there last chance to try to enjoy life even though being caged and not to fend for themselves.
Post Type: Photography
Mixed Media: None | taken with my t-5 cannon.
iso 800
f 5.6

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5 Minutes Please by shore1inspire.
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