Category: Landscape Photography
Posted: May 22, 2017

A storm over Dun Laoghaire harbour

Don't mention RAIN!

by Susan F. M. T. Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Taken from my archives these storm clouds over the mountains & Dun Laoghaire town & Harbour burst & it started to pour rain just as I stepped into my car pared at the end of the pier. It lashed for a full hour, then the sun came out again and you'd think nothing had happened. I know some of the clouds are "burnt-out" but unless I turned the rest of the picture black I could not correct them. It was taken with my old camera a TINY Nikon Cool Pix S 3000. Susan
Post Type: Photography
Mixed Media: None | Cropped, light dark balance adjusted & framed. Taken with my old Nikon Coolpic S3000 camera 5 years ago
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Don't mention RAIN! by Susan F. M. T.
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