Category: Nature Photography
Posted: April 29, 2018

American White Pelican

White Pelican

by Envision Interested in this? Contact The Artist

The American White Pelican is one of the largest birds in North American, with a 9-foot wingspan.

They forage for food by swimming on the surface of the water, dipping their bill into water and scooping up fish into their large bill pouch. Unlike the common misconception, pelicans don't carry food in their bill pouches, they just use them to scoop up their food, and swallow their food before flying off.

These guys also develop a pronounced bump on their bills during breeding which they shed after the breeding season.
Post Type: Photography
Mixed Media: Minor | Lumix FZ1000
1/6400, f/4, ISO 320

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White Pelican by Envision
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