Category: Nature Photography
Posted: July 31, 2018

Raindrops on my Mirabelle Sapling

Raindrops on the Mirabelle

by Susan F. M. T. Interested in this? Contact The Artist

The Mirabelle Plumb Tree was felled in the Park much to my dismay in revenge I took five slips from the shoots that grew up around the stump & four of them grew . This one is the Largest. i have it growing in a Patio pot in my garden. Our plan is once it gets large enough we will plant it in the Park away from where it's parent grew. The rain drops are to me the sapling crying for it's parent! Susan
Post Type: Photography
Mixed Media: None | Light dark balance adjusted & framed
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Raindrops on the Mirabelle by Susan F. M. T.
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