Category: Humour Traditional Art
Posted: August 2, 2018

Doggies having fun

Pepper and Daisy at the Circus

by Brendaartwork18 Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Animal Art Contest Contest Entry 
My eldest daughter has two ~Bea gals Daisy and Pepper, I was experimenting with two different art mediums water colours, and Gouache for texture. Also I had been reading an article that disputes painting from photos is not real art, that real art involves memory, or real life, if you want a photo-realistic then take a photo. I don't believe wholly with this as some photo-realistic art is astonishing and the artists have real skill. However this is not a discussion. But I decided to try and "do" my daughter's dogs from memory. They are represented here well out of their environment.... my interpretation of what they would be like if trained for a circus act.
Post Type: Traditional Art
Mixed Media: None | Experiment in watercolour and Gouache on 180gm art paper.

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Pepper and Daisy at the Circus by Brendaartwork18
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