Category: Abstract Traditional Art
Posted: August 25, 2018

Painted round wooden coaster

Round Wooden Coaster 3

by suzannethompson2 Interested in this? Contact The Artist

For this wooden coaster I mixed different acrylic colours in separate pots, added some PVA glue and a few drops of coconut milk, then poured a little from each into a separate smaller pot. I then flipped this on to the coaster, moved the coaster around to mingle the paints and helped create shapes by blowing through a straw and tweaking with a cocktail stick. The actual artwork is the coaster, the negative space around is just a piece of kitchen roll which I placed the coaster on in order to photograph it.
Post Type: Traditional Art
Mixed Media: Minor | Acrylic paint with added PVA glue and coconut milk
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Round Wooden Coaster 3 by suzannethompson2
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