Category: Expressive Traditional Art
Posted: September 1, 2018

the generations

the generations

by Renate-Bertodi Interested in this? Contact The Artist

I rarely use family photos, unless they have some significance. Having seen the way some young people treat older people I felt this little snap on my mobile certainly has that. My mum, my son and my son's dog. Because I was teaching in China, my son cared for his granny and was much closer to her than I was. Though not as efficient in some ways, for instance, mothers carers robbed her of things I brought her from China, a double sided silk coverlet, a silk blouse for when she was visiting places, boxes of hankies, which were a bigger loss than they her old age she got a childhood fetish, though she had no cold or such, she had to have a hanky up her sleeve and in her pocket and would become distressed if there was none. She didn't need a large, blow my nose hanky, just to know that they were there .I realised as she had always made me have a hanky, so I bought a dozen boxes of hankies when I went away for my son to ensure she always had her hanky. The carers just robbed her tiny council flat, that was all which was of any use, and her underwear /she was incontinent/ I had bought a pile when in Munich as their woolworths had a sale on, and it was that nice german knit. The lot went, all her underpants etc I had to run out and buy some english cheap ones. I was a bit saddened, as the Muslim carer had said to my mum: do you mind me wearing a scarf. Mum who was everyone's friend answered enthusiastically, ofcourse not, we always wore a head scarf at home and proceeded to tell her how her father /my grandfather/ had liked employing muslims because they get up early and some Slovaks are downright lazy /he was a Master tailor and employed from 9 to 15 sewers on a regular basis till the communists came/ Sadly these are different muslims to the ones we had, just as I always say, our jews were different to these in the West /Grandfather gave some family ration cards to his jewish friends as they did not get them. No one was openly caught there, but it was done in a different way. if you had good friends, you survived. Infact when the Russians came they were going to take my grandparents to Siberia for being ''employers'' but the Head of the Jews of our city ran to the Russian Military Command and begged for them to be released as they had helped them all through the war, so the Russians gave the family one room back of our house, bought for Grandmama for her dowry. But I have not found Western Muslims or Jews to be as ours. The social worker said as she was so old, 90 yrs old, it was better not to fetch the Police as she might get confused and think it was post war again. I would have noticed the thefts immediately, he being a young man, thought only of her pizza that night, or taking her out. They were very close.
Post Type: Traditional Art
Mixed Media: None | mobile phone

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the generations by Renate-Bertodi
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