Category: Nature Digital Art
Posted: September 12, 2018

Active Flamingos with a crescent moon

Flamingo Moon

by Cindy Sue Truman Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Animal Art Contest Contest Entry 
Flamingos spend most of the day preening. They distribute oil from a gland at the base of thier tail to their feathers for waterproofing. Fun fact: breeding flamingos feed day or night and are extremely active under the light of the Moon. Non breeding flamingos will eat at night and spend most of the day preening, bathing and extreme sleeping. They have unique brains. Under risky situations they are able to sleep with one eye open and one closed. They also can keep half of their brain aware, and awake and half asleep. This pattern of sleep is called unihemispheric slow-wave sleep. It allows them to rest while still being aware of predators. All this time I bet you thought they were lazy when you saw them at the zoo. :-)
Post Type: Digital Art | Mixed Media | Digital watercolor and airbrush with layers

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Flamingo Moon by Cindy Sue Truman
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