Category: Family Traditional Art
Posted: March 30, 2019

My jack Russel Snooper

Snooper R.I.P.

by Brendaartwork18 Interested in this? Contact The Artist

This is Snooper who would have been 16 this year. Today we say goodbye. Heartbroken. He is in the UK and I am in the EU. My daughter rang me today for a decision. There was really no choice. I saw him just 3 weeks ago and he was confused then. We had many happy years. He was featured in a photograph I recently posted "New girl on the block" I did this pastel work when I first went back to experimenting with painting about 4 years ago. it was I think my first characature.
Post Type: Traditional Art
Mixed Media: None | Pastels on paper paper A3
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Snooper R.I.P. by Brendaartwork18
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