Category: Nature Photography
Posted: May 4, 2020

Tri-cornered Wild Garlic or Leek

3 Cornered Wild Garlic or Leek

by Susan F. M. T. Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Tri-Cornered Wild Garlic or Leek ~ Allium triquetrum growing on the bank of the river Glin 50yards from my house..A bulbous perennial herb, spreading by ant-dispersed seed on roadsides, in hedge banks, on field margins and in rough and waste ground. Lowland.A. triquetrum was introduced into cultivation by 1759 and noted as established here by 1849, initially in Guernsey. It is now thoroughly naturalised and increasingly abundant and widespread in milder areas with scattered, sometimes short-lived, populations elsewhere. It has considerably increased in numbers and range since it was mapped in the 1962 Atlas. World Distribution Native of the W. & C. Mediterranean region. Susan
Post Type: Photography
Mixed Media: None | Cropped light dark balance adjusted sharpened & resized
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3 Cornered Wild Garlic or Leek by Susan F. M. T.
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