Category: Nature Photography
Posted: May 10, 2020

The swamphen seemed interested in me

Friendly Purple Swamphen

by Zilyram Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Unlike many wetland species which have dull plumage to aid camouflage among the rank vegetation, the Purple Swamphen has a resplendent purple-blue neck, breast and belly, and a gaudy, oversized bill and frontal shield, both of which are bright red, as are its beady eyes. This one seemed to be taking an interest in me as I was on the ground trying to get the crested pigeon. It came up so close as if to say "hey I am more colorful than that old pigeon"
Post Type: Photography
Mixed Media: None | Resized otherwise straight out of camera :)
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Friendly Purple Swamphen by Zilyram
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