Category: Expressive Traditional Art
Posted: May 31, 2020


poem illustration

by Renate-Bertodi Interested in this? Contact The Artist

since 40 yrs old, I have written over 4000 poems of all sorts, but am not permitted to print in UK by Prince Charles /1999/ The lab st barths human Research had us as prisoners on their illegal computer /man on computer/ since 1983 wrecking our lives, day and night, so all my work is on their monitor, used by lab staff as soon as it appeared, from doctors to lab assistants, sent to Cosmopolitan as their own work. Instead of sorting it out, but then the killings and tot rapes seen as normal in their system, would come to light.. so the lab has embarked on the most massive, unbelievable program ever known. The lab bossess /former good time girl of Peckham now sex buddy of several civil servants and Minister, Lord MP's etc/ wanted all my work to be used by EVERYONE.. she wasn't kidding. I managed to keep a few scans.. but the lab people 300+ illeg children in the lab of 4 lab men /jews so no crimes admitted/ all use them, all print them and distribute them, write books from my work.. etc however all who use the work are put on the lab scanner and are in turn watched and used sooner or later by the research lab! The poem was about: the sun went down for me... when we became prisoners of the lab st barths human research.
Post Type: Traditional Art
Mixed Media: None | water colour on paper
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poem illustration by Renate-Bertodi
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