Category: Nature Photography
Posted: June 7, 2020

Always Smiling

Pig-nosed Turtle

by iPhone7 Interested in this? Contact The Artist

The Pig-nosed turtle is unlike any other species of freshwater turtle. They are called Fly-River turtles as well due to the river in Papua New Guinea where they are frequently found. The feet are flippers, resembling those of marine turtles. The nose looks like that of a pig, having the nostrils at the end of a fleshy snout, Pig-nosed turtles can grow to about 70 cm (28 in) carapace length, with a weight of over 20 kg (44 lb). Pig-nosed turtles are not completely aquatic. Little is known about their general behavior, as there have been few studies in the wild.
This particular specimen was photographed at the National Aquarium in Baltimore, MD, USA. I like how they seem to be always smiling.
Post Type: Mixed Media Photography
Mixed Media: Some | Cropped, erased distractions, sharpened, adjusted colors


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Pig-nosed Turtle by iPhone7
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