Category: Nature Photography
Posted: October 30, 2020

unusual rose

Dancing Rose

by Lucien van Oosten Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Flower Photography Contest Entry 
This delicate unusual looking rose looked like it was dancing when as light breeze blew through the area. It reminded me of a ballerina as it petals we waving, lifted and fluttering as the wind seemed to gently move I back and forth. As I looked at it through the lens the gray colors of the wooden fence added depth and a nice negative space, that hard textured wood created a nice visual balance, of roughness to the delicate pedals of rose within the scene.
Post Type: Photography
Mixed Media: None | I saw this unusual rose, and liked the scene and colors when I looked through the lens of the camera, could not pass up the shot.

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Dancing Rose by Lucien van Oosten
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