Category: Expressive Traditional Art
Posted: February 17, 2021


model Ann now in Scarborough

by Renate-Bertodi Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Sheffield Model Anna, also a good friend, who used to be a Sheffield steel worker when younger in her time, left and now lives in beautiful Scarborough. She painted the most amazing pictures of her time on the steel works, as a steel worker, and some fool who thought they were more knowledgeable about art, told her to destroy them I HATE THIS ELITISM IN ART I agree with Yugoslavian Painter SYLVERSTER who bluntly wrote: to be an artist you have to be involved with the community and society otherwise you are a decorative designer in a studio.. Ann was told to make feather and stuff thingies which would sell. I was aghast when I visited her and she told me and showed me. She is probably the only person who ever painted the steelworks ponies etc at work. Because of nastiness, she left Sheffield and it is our loss. Besides that she was a good model, there was something to paint there! I have tried to locate her since but cannot find her.Possibly even changed her name, she was so disgusted with our elitist mob here, however Sheffield has always been the home of very rich jews, and their lady wives like to dabble in art, and cause their own particular stir of the pot, of which the poor and hard workers are not part of.
Post Type: Traditional Art
Mixed Media: None | water colours on paper
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model Ann now in Scarborough by Renate-Bertodi
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