Category: Expressive Traditional Art
Posted: October 27, 2021

conceptual art

dire warnings!

by Renate-Bertodi Interested in this? Contact The Artist

I was friendly with some African girls at University from Third World studies. They were the first to warn me of some of the sad stuff which does go on in England. How the name on top of a paper makes the difference to the mark.. and ofcourse no one knows Hungarian names, and many think they are African.. /My mother warned me to take my ex's name, but he did not pay my bills?!/ Our people had this crazy idea that democracy meant honesty, not Stalinist or Hitlerite living. I found out, even at Uni level though I did not think they would go so far as to change a first to a fail because of personal reasons. However they know that their marks are never overturned, but I had been teaching and giving exams myself for 8 yrs. People who have copied work get a first, those who really study not. London Uni Lecturers told me later: yes, it is not common but is known, it is English politics and hanging onto their jobs.
Post Type: Traditional Art
Mixed Media: None | water colour and pens on paper
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dire warnings! by Renate-Bertodi
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