Category: Abstract Photography
Posted: January 3, 2023

Mixed media of Xmas tree

Christmas Tree Swing

by helvi2 Interested in this? Contact The Artist

You might think this was painted, but you'd be wrong. I call this image "Christmas Tree Swing" because I was purposely moving the camera when I took the shot. By moving the camera you create long streaks of the actual Christmas lights. I moved the camera to add a little curve. The tree was then cut to accentuate the Christmas tree shape. I also added a bit more green to the tree. I changed the hue of the background to blue and added stars. The tree then was put in a Topaz filer then slightly embossed. Shadow was also added around the tree. This IS an image of an actual Christmas tree! I hope you enjoy the results! Thank you so much for stopping by! :o) Helvi
Post Type: Mixed Media Photography
Mixed Media: Major | Moved camera in diagonal to cause stream effect of lights, Shaped and Cut Christmas tree from original background, Changed hue of background to blue, added stars, added shadows, used Topaz filter, added some streaks to background , then used gaussian blur to background
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Christmas Tree Swing by helvi2
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