Category: Portrait Photography
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Mixed Media: Minor | Slight curves, crop, brightness and contrast.
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© Copyright 2025. Charlotte Morse All rights reserved.
Charlotte Morse has granted, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Posted: January 9, 2023
A young Malagasy girl in the rain
by Charlotte Morse
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The Letter N photo contest Contest Winner
A cold and wet young girl from a homeless family in Madagascar - although I've titled it 'Neglect' it's not the parents fault but the fault of the corrupt government there that keeps so many people in such dire poverty.
I recently found out that Madagascar is the poorest country in the world that isn't at war! And yet the island is filled with precious stones, gold and huge opportunities in tourism, but corruption is everywhere from the lowest government jobs, through the police and customs right up to the top ranked government people. And through that corruption the entire island and its people are being ravaged and destroyed by those who could help and by the already rich!
End of rant! Lol
by Charlotte Morse Interested in this? Contact The Artist
Mixed Media: Minor | Slight curves, crop, brightness and contrast.
The Letter N photo contest Contest Winner |
by Charlotte Morse
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© Copyright 2025. Charlotte Morse All rights reserved.
Charlotte Morse has granted, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.