Category: Humour Photography
Posted: June 22, 2023

A mouse sitting on top of a camera

What a Poser!!

by Charlotte Morse Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Dog and Cat Photo Contest Contest Entry 
I rescued this mouse from my cat and, as it was slightly injured, I put her in a dark box (for shock) in my bedroom to recover. She survived, and then thrived, and was nearly fit enough to be returned to the wild. . . when she escaped! Now, I didn't want her to starve and also thought that if tamed she'd be easier to catch and pop outside, so I started to put little bits of cheese on my bedside cabinet - I took enormous pleasure in watching her nibble the cheese mere inches away from me! Very soon she became really quite tame, and I wanted to take some shots of her before she left. I decided to use my little Lumix camera as it could get in much closer than my Canon. . . but every time I tried to get in nice and close, she'd just climb up the lens and onto the top of the camera, it was completely impossible!
Eventually I gave in and, while my son held the Lumix with her sitting atop, I used my Canon to get my shots. I know this isn't a traditional pet, or perhaps not even a pet, but she felt like one to me even if only for a short while.
P.S. I?ve had a fair few people picking me up on the fact that this is neither a dog, nor a cat! But in the contest blurb it does state that it can be of ANY pet.
Post Type: Photography
Mixed Media: Minor | Levels, curves and slight crop

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What a Poser!! by Charlotte Morse
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