Category: Fantasy Photography
Posted: August 8, 2023

Scentless Mayweed ~ Matricaria maritima

Matricaria maritima~~~~~~~~~~

by Susan F. M. T. Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Scentless Mayweed ~ Matricaria maritima in a Kaleidoscope. I found these flowers growing along the path above the Merrion Strand in South Dublin. Matricaria maritimum is a species of flowering plant in the aster family commonly known as false mayweed or sea mayweed. It is found in many coastal areas of Northern Europe, including Scandinavia and Iceland, often growing in sand or amongst beach pebbles. Wikipedia Susan
Post Type: Photography
Mixed Media: Minor | Using borders & Reflective Effects ~ Kaleidoscope I placed the picture withing the Kaleidoscope & then framed it with colors found within the picture.
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Matricaria maritima~~~~~~~~~~ by Susan F. M. T.
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