Category: Humour Photography
Posted: September 17, 2023

Wolfeboro NH, New Public Docks

Were did everybody go?

by bpellephoto Interested in this? Contact The Artist

This was shot on January 1, 2022. For me it was a rather remarkable site, no ice on the bay. Of the past 20 years I can't think of but one other New Years day with no ice. With this scene contrast and lighting was the issue - there was none. The only color was the wood of the dock - new wood brown and the light was a flat grainy gray. Under these conditions B&W would help. Converting to B&W in post processing can leave the sky looking like it was shot at ISO 6000. I've found that on days like this changing the camera setting to B&W yields better contrast, lots less grain, excellent white balance control and overall better resolution. Post processing consisted of cropping & resizing... Bob
Post Type: Photography
Mixed Media: None | 50D, 18-270 @ 20mm,
f/11, 1/160, 640, 6650K,
B&W Mode, AF-On, IS-Off,
Hand Held, Haze Filter,
Exp. Comp. +.5

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Were did everybody go? by bpellephoto
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